Chlorella Matcha

What is Chlorella? 

Chlorella is a plant plankton that lives in fresh water and is a species of green algae. It is extremely vital and contains many vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, chlorophyll, essential fatty acids, and amino acids, and about 60% is made of good quality protein. Chlorella has a strong vitality. Chlorella was born about 2 to 3 billion years ago, and it is a plankton of freshwater green algae that can be said to be the origin of the earth's way of life. Throughout a very long history, we have survived until now while enduring various environmental changes. The secret is strong fertility. A cell divides and grows into four cells every 20-24 hours. The photosynthetic capacity is several dozen times greater than other plants. Chlorella is used as a natural and nutritional dye in Japan.

Chlorella Matcha 

It is very nice to cook with Matcha green tea. Its aroma and its natural green color makes you relax and you can enjoy it a lot while cooking. But, has it ever happened to you that the result has turned brown? Has it happened to you that before cooking it had a nice green color but then it has lost its color? It is normal. Matcha tea is very weak at high temperatures and when cooking its original color disappears. Therefore, in Japan, the professionals looked for a solution and one of the best was to add Chlorella. It does not disturb the important fragrance of Matcha tea when it is cooked and it is also a very nutritious product.

Our CHLORELLA MATCHA is a product of Japan. It is a mixture of 50% CHLORELLA and 50% MATCHA GREEN TEA. Using natural Chlorella made in Japan and Matcha tea made by AOI SEICHA, one of the best Matcha tea makers in Japan, CHLORELLA MATCHA was born to help professionals who want to cook Matcha tea at high temperatures without losing its deep green color. Our CHLORELLA MATCHA is 100% natural, made without added dyes, preservatives or sugars. This product is ideal for baking.

50% Japanese CHLORELLA

50% Japanese MATCHA

All natural

without colorants
without preservatives
no sugar
product of Japan
directly sent from our factory in Japan
produced by Aoi Seicha
imported by The Matcha House

クロレラは淡水に生息する植物プランクトンで、緑藻の一種です。 クロレラには多くのビタミンやミネラル、食物繊維、炭水化物、クロロフィル、必須脂肪酸、アミノ酸が含まれており、クロレラの約60%は良質のタンパク質から作られています。 クロレラは20〜30億年前に誕生し、地球の生き方の原点とも言える淡水緑藻のプランクトンです。 クロレラは生命力が強く、長い歴史の中で、これまでさまざまな環境変化に耐えながら生きてきました。 その秘密は繁殖力が強いことです。 クロレラの細胞は分裂し、20〜24時間ごとに4つの細胞に成長します。 光合成能力は他の植物の数十倍もあります。クロレラは日本で栄養価の高い自然着色料として使用されています。

弊社のクロレラ抹茶は100%日本産の商品です。日本産クロレラと西尾産抹茶を使用し、その配合率は50% 50%です。クロレラ抹茶は濃い緑色を失わずに高温で抹茶菓子を作りたいと考えるプロの方々のために誕生しました。弊社のクロレラ抹茶は100%天然のものですので、香料、合成着色料、保存料、砂糖などは一切使用していません。安心してご使用頂けます。


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