[Japanese Sweets] Matcha Mizu Yokan

Recipe providede by SATOKO Dish provided by taller de cerámica yuu

Traditional Japanese snacks are usually healthly because many of the ingredients are natual and the main ingredient is red azuki beans, known as bean paste "anko".  Yokan is a popular Japanese sweet made from "anko", often served at tea time. Here is a new recipe of another type of Yokan made from white beans and
 Japanese green tea Matcha. 

1. Soak the agar in water for 15 minutes. Place the agar and water into a pot. Cook under low heat while stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. Add sugar and when the mixture is an even consistency, turn off the heat.
250cc of water
5g of agar powder
30g of sugar

2. In a bowl mix Matcha powder with water. Add white bean paste (shiro-an) and mix well.

5g of Matcha
10cc of water
white bean paste (shiro-an) 300g *(recipe will be published soon)

3. Add 2. into 1. After boiling a little, put
the mixture in a mold that has been moistened with water. Refrigerate until gelled. Remove mixture from the mold and cut with knife into tiny pieces.


  1. Here is a new recipe of another type of Yokan made from white beans and
    Japanese green tea Matcha. powder green tea perth


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