The Matcha House sends Uji tea to Northern Japan

Barcelona, Spain

It has been 3 weeks since terrible earthquake hit Japan. We have been all the time thinking what we can do for Japan from here and finally we found the best way for us. 

Kyoto Obubu is one of our tea suppliers. We were informed by them that one of the wanting goods in the stricken area is Green Tea. Inmediately we decided to send Green Tea to the affected area with the help of Obubu.

Some companies followed  this activity and on 4th April, 30kg of green tea and 50 teapots was sent to Hataraku Fujin no Ie (働く婦人の家), which is a public association formed for the purpose of receiving and distributing aid to three people in the region.  The association is located in Ogawa-cho, Kamaishi-shi, Iwate-ken, and provides all goods received to house refugees Kamaishi-shi, Iwate-ken (岩手県釜石市)and distribute to other houses like Ishimaki-shi, Miyagi-ken (宮城県石巻市) and Taro-cho, Miyako-shi, Iwate-ken (岩手県宮古市田老町).

Mr. Matsumoto, Vice President of Obubu, preparing Green Tea for Northern Japan

Mr. Matsumoto and Ms. Yakushiji of The Macha House Europe, at Obubu´s tea field in Uji, Kyoto, August 2010.


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