We are in Japan!

The Matcha House is spending some days in Japan and enjoying its fascinating cuisine. Ice cream, soft drinks, juices, smoothies, .... all are indispensable in order to survive these days of intense heat. And of course Matcha is also the protagonist, here's an example: Kakigoori Matcha with Matcha ice cream and shiratama, the latest in Japan!

This is a refreshing dessert made with crushed ice in a cone shape. The most popular flavors are strawberry, cherry, lemon or green tea. The result: a fun little ice mountain dotted with bright colors.

Families use to go out to the shopping malls where the cafeterias "wa-café" (Japanese style) are filled with products, beverages and sweets, all made with Japanese tipical ingredients. Quite a sight to be seen ... and tasted!


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