In a Field of Matcha green tea

During our stay in Japan we had the opportunity to visit the fields of Matcha in Nishio, Aichi, where Aoi Seicha manufactures the product we offer to our customers.

This summer the temperature has reached 30 degrees but, despite this, the field environment is cooler, well covered by a thick black cloth that allows plants to grow smoothly tea, green, lush and beautiful. Last May they started with the collection of the first outbreaks. To get the most excellent aroma and flavor, Aoi Seicha continues using traditional methods to harvest. The plants are protected from sunlight and the leaves grow very slowly, increasing the dose of chlorophyll in each. Then they proceed with the collection, strictly hand made, with pace but with great care. It's all such a beautiful ritual. After the spring harvest, the leaves grow back waiting for the fall harvest. I was impressed by the vision of the vast field so green, but the director of Aoi Seicha told me I should have seen it just before the spring harvest, "that’s really spectacular” Next time I’ll come in May ...

In the same factory tests are performed to verify the absence of bacteria and pesticides. In addition, in recent months, carried out periodic analysis to detect traces of radioactive material in response Fukushima nuclear accident, for the moment all results being negative and the access to them is public.

While chatting with the staff of Aoi Seicha on the future market of green tea, they offered me a cup of Matcha, slightly sweet, slightly bitter, but simply delicious.


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