Beneath the cherry blossom tree 2019

The cherry blossoms Sakura starts blooming in Barcelona!  We are still in winter but near the spring. In Japan this season is called "Sankan Shion" (三寒四温), that means 3 days are cold, 4 days are warm. 

Today was a wonderful sunny day and we decided to take some photos with our little model under the blooming cherry blossom tree in order to remember this beautiful scene. 

She liked very much our ICED SENCHA and Matcha Latte made with our organic Matcha (SELECT MATCHA ECO.) 

Enjoy our Japanese Green Teas in this beautiful season and enjoy coming beautiful spring!

#sencha #matchalatte #latte #sakura #barcelona #cherryblossom #hanami #florecer #cerezos #flores #matcha #花見 #バルセロナ #水出し煎茶 #抹茶ラテ #桜の木の下で


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